The Magazine of Le Connecteur

Discover news, reports, profiles of entrepreneurs, and lifestyle pages tailored for the actors shaping the regions.

Audace magazine is distributed in 3,000 copies to :

local institutions, higher education schools, hotels and golf courses, CAPG agencies, and Connecteur.

In each issue, you’ll find featured leaders and entrepreneurs such as Justine Dupont, Mathieu Forget, Guillaume de Blic, Maritxu Darrigrand, Bruno Witvoet, Nathalie Laouti Savariaud, and many others.

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January – April 2023

With the start of a new year, come promises and resolutions. But what if we break the rules? Over the past 18 months, Audace magazine has introduced you to fascinating individuals, improbable initiatives, and committed companies that embrace audacity as a way of life. They act boldly for the betterment of our communities. Remember, the power to make meaningful changes lies in the hands of those who dare. Enjoy this issue of Audace as we unveil some of their stories. 

Upcoming Audacious Encounters
Featuring “William Candelon” from Le Puits Saint-Jacques restaurant and “Anthony Ruffet” from Marloe Biarritz

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September – December 2022

They say it’s back to school time, where some return to classrooms while others go back to their offices. However, at our editorial office, we believe it’s a moment to lift our heads and look into the distance. Take a breath and find inspiration From audacious individuals like Nathalie Laouti and Maritxu Darrigrand, who demonstrate that audacity applied to supporting scientific and social causes can challenge norms and common thinking. In October, at Connecteur, we’ll discuss the sensitive topic of cancer.

Upcoming Audacious Encounters
Featuring “Maritxu Darrigrand” from Keep A Breast and “Nathalie Laouti-Savariaud” from Lise Is Rose 

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June – August 2022

As with every quarter, the editorial team has sought out trending and thought-provoking topics that push boundaries through their desire to create, their involvement, and their drive to advance territories. As always, this issue features audacious individuals. We are delighted to present Justine Dupont, a multi-world champion surfer and big wave rider, who shares her approach to competition, her choices, and her philosophy of life.

Upcoming Audacious Encounters
“Bruno Witvoet from Unilever and Jean-Stéphane Arcis from CEGID”

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March – May 2022

Every quarter, the Audace magazine team delves into inspiring and enlightening business topics to accompany entrepreneurial readers in their visions and endeavors. In this quarter’s investigations, the editorial team explores the phenomenon of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) and their revolutionary impact on the art industry as digital certificates that authenticate the uniqueness of virtual objects.

Upcoming Audacious Encounters
“Marie-Hélène Blanque from Semetherm and Manuel Mallen from Maison Courbet”

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December 2021 – February 2022

The release of our second issue of Audace magazine coincides with Connecteur’s first hundred days. An important milestone. During this period, we have welcomed over two hundred co-workers and eighty companies.

Upcoming Audacious Encounters
“Guillaume De Blic from Lacoste and Thomas Chambolle from Fulllife”

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July 2021

In a digitally-dominated world, launching a magazine that focuses on sharing experiences, ideas, visions, and best practices of entrepreneurs is a bold and audacious move. Audacity, the very essence of the Credit that has now become a reality.

Upcoming Audacious Encounters
Featuring “Maïder Arosteguy and Éric Courteille”

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